Adopted June 21, 2001

BOE Review August 15, 2024


I.   Introduction 3

II.  Section I:  General Considerations and Planning Guidelines 3

  1. Purpose

B.   Identification of School Teams

  1.  Concept of Operations 

D.   Plan Review and Public Comment 

III.  Section II:  Risk Reduction/Prevention and Intervention 5

A.  Prevention/Intervention Strategies

1.  Program Initiatives

2   Training, Drills and Exercises 

3.  Implementation of School Security 

4.  Vital Educational Agency Information 

B.  Early Detection of Potentially Violent Behaviors 

C.  Hazard Identification 

 IV.  Section III:  Response 8

  1. Notification and Activation (Internal and External Communications)

  2. Situational Responses

  1. Multi-Hazard Response

  2. Responses to Acts of Violence:  Implied or Direct Threats

  3. Response Protocols

  4. Procedures for Obtaining Emergency Assistance from Local Government

  5. District Resources Available for Use in an Emergency

  6. Procedures to Coordinate the Use of School District Resources and Manpower during Emergencies

  7. Protective Action Options

  1.  Section IV:  Recovery   12

  1. District Support for Buildings

  2. Disaster Mental Health Services 

VI.  Appendices 14

  • Buildings and Contact Information

  • Building Risk Determine

  • Regulation References

  • Agencies the Building-Level Emergency Response Plans are Filed

  • Policies and Procedures for Responding to Implied or Direct Threats of Violence or Acts of Violence to the School         


The Lisbon Central School District-Wide Safety Plan is responsive to the needs of all schools within the district and is consistent with the more detailed emergency response plans required at the school building level.   Districts are at risk from a wide variety of acts of violence, natural, and manmade disasters.  To address these threats, the State of New York has enacted the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) law.  Project SAVE is a comprehensive planning effort that addresses prevention, response, and recovery with respect to a variety of emergencies in each school district and its schools.

The Lisbon Central School District supports the SAVE Legislation, and intends to facilitate the planning process.  The District Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Education encourage and advocate on-going district-wide cooperation and support of Project SAVE.



  1. Purpose

The Lisbon Central School District-Wide School Safety Plan was developed pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17.  At the direction of the Lisbon Central School District Board of Education, the District Superintendent appointed a District-Wide School Safety Team and charged it with the development and maintenance of the District-Wide School Safety Plan.

  1. Identification of School Teams

The District has created a District-Wide School Safety Team including the following persons:



  • Administrative Representatives

  • Patrick Farrand

  • George Scoville-Upham

  • Alison Spears

  • Shannon Mattice

  • Board of Education Representatives

  • Ryan Beshaw

  • Mary Fonda

  • Law Enforcement Representative

  • Rick Engle

  • School Safety Personnel

  • Ron Streeter

  • Kristin Davidson

  • Elizabeth Taylor

  • Debby McNally

  • Sherrie Wood

  • Al Flack

  • Jim Robinson

  • Sean Backus

  • Dicky Marcellus

  • Kate Spriggs

  1. Concept of Operations

  1. The District-Wide School Safety Plan shall be directly linked to the individual Building-Level Emergency Response Plans for each school building.  This District-Wide School Safety Plan will guide the development and implementation of Building Level Safety Plans.

  1. In the event of an emergency or violent incident, the initial response to all emergencies at an individual school will be by the School Emergency Response Team.

  1. Upon the activation of the School Emergency Response Team, the District Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee will be notified and, where appropriate, local emergency officials will also be notified.

  1. County and State resources through existing protocols may supplement emergency response actions, including Post Incident Response.

  1. Plan Review and Public Comment

  1. Pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17 (e) (3), this plan was made available for public comment at a public hearing held in the Lisbon Central School Auditorium on August 15, 2024, and provided for participation of school personnel, parents, students, and any other interested parties.  The Board subsequently adopted the District-Wide and Building-Level Plans on August 15, 2024.  The most recent revision of the District-Wide Safety Plan as reflected in this document was adopted by the Board of Education on August 15, 2024.

  1. Full copies of the District-Wide School Safety Plan were submitted to the New York State Education Department in September 2024.  Building-Level Safety Plans will be sent to local and State Police in September 2024.

  1. This plan shall be reviewed and maintained by the District-Wide School Safety Team and reviewed on an annual basis on or before July 1 of each year after its adoption by the Board of Education.  A copy of the plan will be available at the Office of the District Superintendent of the Lisbon Central School District.

  1. While linked to the District-Wide School Safety Plan, Building-Level Safety Plans shall be confidential and shall not be subject to disclosure under Article 6 of the Public Officers Law or any other provision of law, in accordance with Education Law Section 2801-a.


The Lisbon Central School District utilizes identification badges, reference checks and fingerprinting in accordance with the SAVE requirements for all staff.  Each instructional building will maintain their respective security policies and procedures, as appropriate, and may be found in the confidential Building-Level Plans.  

  1. Prevention/Intervention Strategies

Program Initiatives 

The Lisbon Central School District continues to develop and investigate various strategies regarding violence prevention and intervention.  These strategies may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Use of resources such as the New York State Police Safe Schools Program for staff.  The four modules of one hour each include:

  • Awareness - identifies school violence as a problem.  Defines and identifies the difference between conflict vs. violence, provides overview of conflict resolution and communication skills, identifies early indicators of violent behavior.

  • Prevention – discusses suggestions for the prevention of school violence.  Provides calming and de-escalation techniques, discusses the identification of gangs and bullies, defines the difference between a prank and a crime, and provides suggestions for development of a student assistance program.

  • Effective Response – provides techniques in responding to specific incidents.  Presents methods on how to respond to potentially violent situations, provides strategies for dealing with a disruptive person or hostage situation, and assists in developing post-incident response teams.

  • Incident Management – reviews guidelines for an incident management plan.  Provides a guide to developing an incident management plan, supplies information on legal issues involving locker searches and school related crime, and assists in creating a list of resources and emergency support needed during all phases of an incident.

  1. Code of Conduct – Follow Board Approved Policy

  1. Education programs are operated by Lisbon Central School and address the criteria under B-1, for those students who may be at risk to drop out of a formal education program.

  1. Mediation and conflict resolution – counselors, principals, student coordinators, psychologists, and teachers work with students who are potentially violent.

  1. The Lisbon Central School District encourages students to report school violence and any symptoms of potentially violent behavior to counselors, principals, student coordinators, psychologists, and teachers or any other mentor without fear of retaliation by communicating this to all students at the beginning of the school year and periodically throughout the school year as appropriate.

Training, Drills, and Exercises

The District will conduct annual training for both staff and students in school safety issues.  Training will be coordinated by the Lisbon Central School District and with new regulations will conduct four (4) lockdown drills pursuant to the regulation.  The Lisbon Central School District’s Professional Development Plan will address particular activities.

Drills and other exercises may be coordinated with local, county, and state emergency responders and preparedness officials.  Existing plans will be revised in response to post-incident critiques of these drills. 

Additional staff development will take place as needed.

Screening of potential new employees includes:

  • Providing a resume'

  • Providing three references

  • Fingerprinting

  1. Training of new employees may utilize the New York State Police Safe Schools Program or other similar programs as outlined in the Lisbon Central School District Professional Development Plan.  

  1. As of July 1, 2013 all applicants for certification are required to complete six hours of coursework in training in accordance with Article 2 Section 10-10 of the New York State Education Law.  

Implementation of School Security

The District will consider and implement, where prudent, the recommended school actions for the current threat level as declared by the Department of Homeland Security.  Building-specific plans will include more detailed actions.

In addition to the above, regardless of the threat level, the following security measures are in place at all times.

1. Every door will be accessible as an exit.

2. All external doors will remain locked.

3. A sign at the main entrance will prompt visitors to report to the Main 


4. All visitors will enter through the main door  through an external door 

security system and be prompted to state name and nature of business.

5. All visitors are required to sign in, stating name, time, date, and purpose of visit; 

issued a Visitor’s Pass and/or escorted by an employee if access is needed to other 

areas of the building.

6. All inside classroom doors will be locked when unattended and unlocked during 

instructional hours.

7. Main office and classroom doors will have windows with an unobstructed view of 

the hallway.

8. Cameras and monitors have been strategically placed for safety and security 


Vital Educational Agency Information

Each Building-Level Safety Plan will include the following information:

  • School population

  • Number of staff

  • Transportation needs

  • Business and home telephone numbers of key officials of each educational agency

The Building-Level School Safety Teams will ensure that this information is updated routinely and accurately.

  1. Early Detection of Potentially Violent Behaviors

  1. There are early warning signs in most cases of violence to self and others.  Certain emotional and behavioral signs that, when viewed in context, can signal a troubled student.  Teachers are trained to recognize the signs that can be used to signal a student that may need help.  The more signs a student exhibits, the more likely he/she may need intervention.  The early warning signs may include:

  • Social withdrawal

  • Excessive feelings of isolation

  • Excessive feelings of rejection

  • Being a victim of violence

  • Feelings of being picked on

  • Low school interest and poor academic performance

  • Expression of violence in writings and drawings

  • Uncontrolled anger

  • Patterns of impulsive, chronic hitting and bullying

  • History of discipline problems

  • History of violent and aggressive behavior

  • Intolerance for differences and prejudicial attitudes

  • Alcohol and drug use 

  • Affiliation with gangs

  • Inappropriate access/use of firearms

  • Serious threats of violence

  • Fire setting

  • Torture to animals

  1. Information will be available to parents/guardians on the school webpage on how to identify potentially violent behaviors.

  1. If a teacher or administrator feels help for a student is warranted, it will be discussed with appropriate school personnel to determine the next step.

  1. An interpersonal violence prevention education package will be taught as appropriate.

  1. The District Superintendent will set specific times for the building principal(s), in conjunction with the Lisbon Central School District Professional Development Plan, to organize activities of particular concern.

  1. Hazard Identification

The District has established procedures in the Building-Level Safety Plans for the identification of potential sites and the internal and/or external hazards that may be present in them.  These procedures are developed in coordination with the local Emergency Management Office, Fire Department, and law enforcement agencies, and the use of a Risk Probability Checklist.  Appendix 2 of this Plan shows the results of this procedure.


The District uses the Incident Command System model for emergency actions.  For district-wide emergencies, the Incident Commander will be the District Superintendent.  In building-level emergencies, the District Superintendent or his/her designee will act as the Incident Commander.  The Incident Commander is authorized to activate such resources and personnel as are appropriate to the incident.  The Incident Commander is empowered to render such decisions as may be necessary in keeping with the response actions as identified in the Building Level Emergency Response Plan.  Building-Level Incident Command staff is identified in the Building-Level Emergency Response Plan.  Information regarding the Lisbon Central School District Incident Command Center post, staging area, transportation, and guidance on family reunification plans and procedures are identified in the Building-Level Emergency Response Plans.  

  1. Notification and Activation (Internal and External Communications)

  1. Law enforcement officials will be contacted by the Incident Commander in line with the Building-Level Safety Plans, and will be requested based upon the “closest response agency” concept to ensure that the response to the incident is as rapid as possible. 

  1. The District will notify any appropriate educational agencies within its boundaries as well as adjacent to its boundaries in the case of a disaster that would affect any of these agencies.  The Incident Commander will determine the extent of notification and delegate its delivery.  The following forms of communication may be utilized:

Telephone Intercom

Cellular Phones District Radio System (Portable)

Fax/Email Local Media

Emergency Alert System (EAS) Website 

NOAA Weather Radio Others As Appropriate

  1. The District will contact appropriate parents, guardians, or persons in parental relation to the students/staff via media release, telephone contact, or other appropriate means in the event of a violent incident or early dismissal.  Conditions requiring such notification are outlined in the Building-Level Safety Plans.

  1. Situational Responses

Multi-Hazard Response

The District has identified in the Building-Level Safety Plans the following general response actions to emergency situations.  These actions include school cancellation, early dismissal, evacuation, and sheltering.  The Building-Level Safety Plans include identification of specific procedures for each action depending upon the emergency.

Emergencies include, but are not limited to:

Civil Disturbance Natural/Weather Related

Environmental School Bus Accident/Breakdown

Fire and Explosion Systems Failure

Hazardous Material Threats of Violence

Hostage/Kidnapping Weapons Found on Property/Student

Medical Others as Deemed Necessary

Responses to Acts of Violence: Implied or Direct Threats

The District has enacted policies and procedures dealing with violence.  These policies and procedures deal with the safety of the school community, as well as the range of discipline of those making the threat or committing the act of violence. 

 The normal procedures to respond to implied or direct threats of violence will be:  

  • Use of staff trained in de-escalation or other strategies to diffuse the situation

  • Inform Building Principal of implied or direct threat

  • Determine appropriate action to respond to level of threat with Building Principal/Designee

  • Contact appropriate law enforcement agency, if necessary

  • Monitor the situation, adjust responses as appropriate, include the possible use of the Emergency Response Team.

  • If the situation warrants, isolate the immediate area and evacuate if appropriate

  • If necessary, initiate lockdown procedure, early dismissal, or sheltering. 

  • Inform District Superintendent/Designee

Response Protocols

The District recognizes that appropriate response to emergencies, such as bomb threats, intrusions, hostage takings and kidnappings, varies greatly depending on the situation.  The Building-Level Safety Plans detail the appropriate response to such emergencies utilizing the following protocols:

  • Identification of decision makers

  • Plans to safeguard students and staff

  • Procedures to provide transportation, if necessary

  • Procedures to notify parents

  • Procedures to notify media

  • Debriefing procedures

Procedures for Obtaining Emergency Assistance from Local Government

During emergencies, local government agencies, including emergency services, can be obtained by contact with the County Directors of Emergency Management.  The Incident Commander will authorize the request for assistance from these agencies.

911 911

St. Lawrence County Emergency Services (315) 379-2240

The district resources, which may be available during an emergency, include the following:

  • Red Cross

  • Fire Department

  • NYS Police

  • Border Patrol

  • SLC Sheriff’s Department

  • Private Industry 

  • Private Individuals  

  • Citizen Advocates, Inc.

  • NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

  • NYS Department of Transportation

  • NYS Department of Health (518-891-1800)

  • State Emergency Management Office (SEMO 518-457-2200)

  • Department of Homeland Security (202-282-8000)

  • CHEMTREC (800-424-9300)

  • Religious Organizations

  • Lisbon Town Hall

  • Lisbon Hepburn Library

  • Others

District Resources Available for Use in an Emergency

The District has committed the full inventory of its resources to be available for use during an emergency.  The Incident Command Team will utilize these resources in line with the Building-Level Safety Plans as deemed appropriate. Specific personnel and resources are identified in the Building-Level Safety Plans.

Procedures to Coordinate the Use of School District Resources and Manpower during Emergencies

The District uses the Incident Command system model for emergency actions. For district-wide emergencies the Incident Commander will be the District Superintendent, or his/her designee.  In building-level emergencies, the administrator in charge or his/her designee will act as the Incident Commander.  The Incident Commander is authorized to activate such resources and personnel as are appropriate to the incident The Incident Commander is empowered to render such decisions as may be necessary in keeping with the response actions as identified in the Building-Level Safety Plans.  Building-Level Incident Command staff is identified in the Building-Level Safety Plans.

Protective Action Options

Depending on the emergency, response actions may include: school cancellation, early dismissal, evacuation and sheltering.  Elements to be considered for these actions include: 

  • School Cancellation

  • Monitor any situation that may warrant a school cancellation – Superintendent or Designee

  • Contact local media

  • Early Dismissal

  • Monitor situation – District Superintendent or Designee

  • If conditions warrant, close school – District Superintendent or Designee

  • Contact component schools to arrange transportation

  • Contact local media to inform parents of early dismissal – incident reporting form

  • Set up an information center so that parents may make inquiries as to the situation

  • Retain appropriate district personnel until all students have been returned home

  • Evacuation (before, during and after school hours, including security during evacuation and evacuation routes)

  • Determine the level of threat – District Superintendent or Designee

  • Contact component schools to arrange transportation – Designee

  • Clear all evacuation routes and sites prior to evacuation

  • Evacuate all staff and students to pre-arranged evacuation sites.  District buildings are on ground level so all persons, including all non-ambulatory students, staff and visitors, shall evacuate the building to an alternate location. Nearby staff shall aid non-ambulatory personnel, including students, staff and visitors, in exiting the building. 

  • Account for all student and staff population.  Report any missing staff or students to Building Principal

  • Make determination regarding early dismissal – Designee

  • If determination was made to dismiss early, contact local media to inform parents of early dismissal – Incident Reporting Form

  • Ensure adult supervision or continued school supervision/security

  • Set up an information center so that parents may make inquiries as to the situation

  • Retain appropriate district personnel until all students have been returned home

  • Sheltering Sites (internal and external)

  • Determine the level of threat – District Superintendent/Incident Commander/Designee

  • Determine location of sheltering depending on nature of incident

  • Account for all students and staff, report any missing staff or students to Designee

  • Determine other occupants in the building

  • Make appropriate arrangements for human needs

  • Take appropriate safety precautions

  • Establish a public information officer to provide information and current status of the situation to parents and other inquiring parties

  • Retain appropriate district personnel until all students have been returned home


  1. District Support for Buildings

After a critical incident has occurred, the Lisbon Central School District is committed to a thorough and comprehensive recovery for students, staff, and families.  To achieve this goal, the Post Incident Response Team should consider the following steps (1-8):

Step 1:  Consult with administrators and others to:

  • Determine advisability of team involvement

  • Determine nature of team involvement

  • If team is needed, acquire release from currently assigned responsibility

  • Inform District Superintendent of nature of the incident

Step 2:  Acquire facts and circumstances as to the nature of the trauma/loss

Step 3:  Determine those groups and/or individuals most affected by the trauma (target  population).

Step 4: Assist building administrator in the following areas:

  • Arrange staff meeting

  • Formulate staff meeting agenda

  • Dissemination of information to staff, parents, students, media, etc. (e.g., letters, etc.)

  • Determine logistical needs (e.g., work space, crisis center, counseling rooms, class schedules, etc.)

Step 5: Assignment of team members and other staff to individual tasks.

Step 6: Provide Crisis Team Services

  • Conduct faculty meeting with all building staff

  • Provide educational information to teachers to be used in class

  • Conduct classroom meetings with team member and teacher in seriously affected classes

  • Assess needs and arrange for follow-up meetings with individuals and small groups

  • End of day staff meeting to update staff and administrators to plan for next day

  • Crisis Team defusing at the end of day

  • Provide substitutes and aides as back-up staff for teachers

  • Offer a separate room for parent contact, if necessary

  • Crisis workers in offices to aid office staff to deal with parents’ telephone calls and questions

  • Remind staff about “Teachable Moments”

  • Death and grief education

  • Personal safety

  • Sorting rumor from fact

  • Anatomy of the injury (e.g., what type, extent, what it means)

Step 7: Assist in creating a committee that can coordinate and plan for memorial contributions, expressions of sympathy, scholarship funds, etc., should be composed of staff, students, and parents.

Step 8: Follow-up plans for ending Crisis Team involvement

  • Staff meeting

  • Alert staff to important aspects of responses to grief and loss

  • Respond to individual staff questions and needs

  • Provide feedback to teachers regarding individual student needs

  • Referral of literature

  • Refer students and others to appropriate building personnel or other helping resources in the community

  • Arrange for meeting with Crisis Response Team to determine effectiveness of the Crisis Response Plan in addressing the needs in this particular incident.

  1. Disaster Mental Health Services

The Lisbon Central School District will work closely with local mental health services to:

  • Provide services to child(ren) and families that are appropriate for the type of emergency/disaster.

  • Assess condition and immediate needs of child(ren) and family including food, shelter, clothing, medical treatment.

  • Refer children and other family members to agencies and organizations that provide needed services.

  • Follow-up on referrals.

  • Decrease the internal and external stressors which affect the child(ren) and family.

  • Provide opportunities for child(ren) and families to verbalize their feelings and provide emotional support to aid recovery.

  • Guide the family through the emergency/disaster and provide tools and techniques for the family to help themselves to recover.

* * * 


Appendix 1:

Listing of all school buildings covered by the District-Wide School Safety Plan with addresses of buildings, and contact names and telephone numbers for building staff.

Building Name


Contact Name


Phone Number

Lisbon Central School

6866 County Route 10

Lisbon, NY 13658

Patrick J. Farrand

(315) 393-4951 x1

Appendix 2:  

Building Risk Determination

Building Name


Internal Hazard

External Hazard

Lisbon Central School

6866 County Route 10

See Below

See Below

Internal Hazards External Hazards

Civil Disturbance Natural/Weather Related

-Explosive/Bomb Threat -Flood/Mudslide

-Hostage -Storm/Snow/Ice/Wind/Hurricane

-Intruder -Thunderstorm

-Kidnapped Person -Tornado

-Civil Unrest

-Bio-terrorism Environmental 

-Air Pollution

Fire and Explosion -Flood/Mudslide

-Explosion -Hazardous Material Spills/Releases

-Fire -Radiological


Systems Failure -Extreme Cold/Heat

-Electrical System Failure -Thunderstorm/Lightning Storm

-Fuel Shortage -Tornado

-Gas Leak -Toxic Material Spill/Releases

-Heating System Failure (loss of heat) -Water Contamination

-Roofing Failure (leak) -Biological

-Sewage System Failure -Epidemic

-Structural Failure

-Water System Failure Other External Hazards

-Airplane Crash

-School Bus Accident


Internal Hazards (continued)

Medical Emergency

-Allergic Reaction/Bleeding/Blow to the Head

-Food Poisoning

-Heart Attack

-Toxic Exposure



Appendix 3:

Regulation references 

  • 155.17 Education Law – School Safety Plans

  • Executive Law 2B

Appendix 4:

Building-Level Emergency Response Plans are filed with local and state law enforcement agencies.  Identification of local and state law enforcement agencies where building-level plans are filed. 

Appendix 5:

Policies and procedures for responding to implied, or direct threats of violence or acts of violence by students, teachers, other school personnel, and visitors to the school:

  • Corporal Punishment Policy

  • Alcohol and Other Substances Policy

  • Child Abuse and Maltreatment Policy & Procedures

  • Firearms in School Policy

  • Code of Conduct

  • Policy Against Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

  • Title IX/504/Civil Rights/Age Discrimination Policy

  • DASA (Dignity for All Students Act)

Appendix 6:

Pandemic Response Plan 2020-21