Lisbon Central School District

Learning, Caring, and Sharing

Lisbon Central School is committed to providing consistent and high-quality instruction during remote learning days. We appreciate your patience and support as we work together to provide meaningful and impactful instruction to our students.

Emergency Remote Learning Protocols (These protocols would only be utilized if determined by the District Leadership Team)


  • Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 6:
    Lisbon Central School will utilize Apptegy Notifications, Apptegy Rooms App, Google Meet, And Google Classroom, as the learning management systems (LMS) for remote learning communication.

  • Grades 7-12::
    Lisbon Central School will utilize Apptegy Notifications, Apptegy Rooms App, Google Meet, And Google Classroom, as the learning management systems (LMS) for remote learning communication.

  • Ongoing Communication:
    Teachers will maintain communication with families using the LCSD Apptegy App, Google Classroom, email, and Apptegy Rooms App to share updates, assignments, and provide support.

At-Home Learning Parameters

  • Grades Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2:
    Students will receive a Remote Learning Packet that must be completed during emergency remote  learning days. Classroom teachers will provide clear instructions for packet completion and are available for assistance through the Apptegy Rooms App or email.

  • Grades 3-6:
    The remote learning day will follow a schedule resembling a typical two-hour delay school day to maintain consistency in learning hours. Specific times and further details will be communicated by teachers.

  • Attendance:

    • Elementary Students: Daily attendance will be recorded based on participation in remote learning. More details will be shared by the respective teachers.

    • Grades 7-12 Students: Attendance will be taken by period.

Chromebook Usage

All students in Grades 3-12 will use a district-provided Chromebook for remote learning. Students will be expected to log on to their LMS platforms (i.e. Google Classroom) or present assignments in email for instruction and demonstration of completion.

Instruction Delivery

  • Synchronous Instruction:

    • Remote learning may include live lessons using Google Meet for direct interaction with teachers.

  • Asynchronous Instruction:

    • Students may also be assigned independent practice and activities to complete on their own, based on the teacher's schedule.

Daily Time Requirements

  • Grades Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 2:
    Students will engage in 1-2 hours of instruction per day. The instruction may include both live (synchronous) and independent (asynchronous) activities, as per the teacher’s schedule.

  • Grades 3-12:

    • A total of 3-4 hours of instruction per day will be required, which will include synchronous and asynchronous instruction. Independent practice time will also be included.

    • The schedule may be broken into smaller segments depending on the needs and grade level of students.

Teacher and Staff Responsibilities

  • Teachers and Related Service Providers:

    • Ensure all students (Pre-K to Grade 2) receive their Remote Learning Packets.

    • Ensure that all students in Grades 3-12 are familiar with the LMS platform and know how to use it for remote learning.

    • Establish clear virtual meeting expectations and practice these with students, especially in Grades 3-12.

    • Remind students and parents of the procedure for remote learning days and ensure students have their Chromebooks and Remote Learning Packets ready.

    • For Grades Pre-K to Grade 2, engage students in 1-2 hours of direct instruction and provide ample time for independent practice.

    • For Grades 3-12, engage students in 3-4 hours of remote instruction, with opportunities for independent work.

  • Parents:

    • Ensure students are prepared for remote learning, with access to the necessary technology (Chromebooks, Remote Learning Packets).

    • If you require a hotspot for Wi-Fi, please contact the school at (315) 393-0900.

    • Remind children of the procedures for remote learning days and ensure they are ready to log in for lessons.